Tired of searching for the right customer?

PPC Logix will HELP you find them.



Powerful LEAD Generation

PPC Logix, like many successful companies, was founded by individuals with many years of experience in all facets of the lead industry. By combining the best in marketing and technology, PPC Logix is able to deliver the best leads or calls on a consistent basis. Today, PPC Logix delivers thousands of voice and data leads every month to its advertisers and buyers.


Our quality is directly tied to our ability to distinguish ourselves in three defining areas:


At PPC Logix, we started out with one thing in mind; The concept of using technology to ensure that we were able to generate leads or calls, quality check them, and deliver them to our advertisers and buyers in a timely fashion. We use proprietary technology to allows our advertisers and buyers to seamlessly receive, view, and contact their consumers. Our software allows companies as small as one (1) person to companies with branches and agents all over the world to maximize their advertising dollar. The PPC Logix software has a built in power dialer and lead tracking for any type of lead; and best of all, there is no phone systems needed.


There are hundreds of lead and pay per call companies out there. Many claiming that being on a system called a ‘Market Place’ (where unknown lead sources and affiliates randomly post leads into the database) is good for the buyer or advertiser. This seems simple because of the high volume of leads available to either the buyer or advertiser, but this is often not the case. At PPC Logix, we host 100% of our web forms so that WE are in total control of the leads and call flow. We only work with trusted traffic sources, and don’t open our network up to unknown and untested publishers. This ensures that our buyers and advertisers are only getting leads and calls that they want, and not getting leads or calls that were generated where the customer was enticed to fill out a form with offers of free gifts, or guarantees that are not true.

Consumer/Buyer Relationship

PPC Logix recognizes that lead quality depends on the consumer’s interest in the services offered by our buyers, and advertisers. We know that your relationship with the consumer starts long before you get them on the phone. PPC Logix uses technology, and proven traffic sources that guaranteed that the consumer is genuinely interested in your service. Our order system allows for filters to select leads that represent your target consumers. Combine this with the ability and control of the leads and calls delivered when the consumer clicks submit, or dials the number, both buyers and consumers are more than satisfied with the process.